
  • Chain Motors:

    •Chain motor control packages (2-way, 4-way, 8-way)

    •Chain motors (1/8 ton, ¼ ton, ½ ton, 1 ton)

    Lifts/Self Climbing:

    •Applied L25 Towers (crank or motor)

    •Eventer 20’

    •L-16 with optional truss brackets, t pipes, 1/2 boros

    •SLC-24/ST-25 Supertowers

    •Total Structures V-Towers for line arrays

    •Traditional self climbing truss arches & multipost structures

  • Box Truss:

    •12×12 (2’, 3’, 4’, 5’, 8’, 10’, corner blocks, center pivot hinge, bookend hinge, end plates)

    •12x12 20' OD Circle

    •12x12 Black (5', 8', 10', corner blocks, center pivot hinge)

    •12x18 (5', 10', corner blocks)

    •20x20 (5', 8', 10', corner blocks)

    Flat/Tri Truss:

    •10" Tri (5', 10', corner blocks, hinges)

    •12” Flat (5’, 10’, 10' Black)

    •14" Tri (5', 10', corner blocks)

    Specialty Truss:

    •Catwalk truss 26x30 (7'3", 8', 9'9", 10', corner blocks, end plates)

    •Dance towers

    •Focus Track (5', 10', 20')

    •Light Ladder - 5 Ring

    •PreRig Double Hung (7'7", corner blocks)

    •Scenery Bumpers

    •Swing Wing truss 10' Black


    •Pipe - Aluminum 1.25" Speed Rail (1'-20')

    •Pipe – Aluminum 1.5” (1' -20')

    •Pipe – ID Steel, 1.5” (1' - 21')

    Pipe Accessories:

    •1.5"/1.25" steel pipe adapter

    •50# Iron base for 1.5" steel pipe (Round & Square)

    •Batten Clamps for 1.5" Pipe

    •Cap with c-clamp or mega claw for 1.5" Pipe

    •Flange base for 1.5" pipe

    •Speedrail Fittings for 1.25" & 1.5" Aluminum Pipe

  • •1 Ton Mega Tent Clamp

    •1/2 Threaded Rod & accessories

    •3/8" Rigging Steel (1.5", 9", 5', 10', 20', 30', 50')

    •Airwall Track Hangers

    •Beam Clamps (2 ton, 3 ton, 5 ton, Mega2 Ton 24", Mega 3-Ton 10")

    •Concrete Ballast Blocks 1k/2k

    •Losberger Tent Clamps

    •Pear Rings, Stac Chain

    •Safety Cable

    •Shackles (5/8", 1/2", 3/8", 5/16", 1/4", 3/16")

    •Spansets - Nylon & steel core (gacflex 3', 6', 9',12')

    •Tent Pole Hanger

    •Tent Pole Quick Clamp

    •Truss bases (14" Tri, 12/20 box - 24", 36", 48")

    •Truss cable hangers

    •Truss Grapples

    •Truss outrigger kit

    •Truss Picks

    •Turnbuckles (1/4"x4", 5/8"x9")